Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year Husquibakery!

Harrroooo & happy new year pups and kit-cats! Today, I've for your culinary enjoyment a special little something for both us pups and for all my fine feline furiends woowooo! (Waves paws at Savvy and others). I've noticed several new followers- of the feline variety- and I thought the second husquibakery post should offer something for them too. Welcome new mates!

First, woo need a pound of good calf liver. If there is a butcher where woo live get it fresh. Boil the liver with a little fresh water until it's good and brown. You will need to drain it when done. Set the water aside for a latenight snacky.
Boiling liver aroma!

Now, have your pawrents use their meet grinder thingy and turn that liver into paste. Try not to nomm too much, woo can lick the grinder if woo are careful.


Next, woo need to boil down a nice big marrow bone. Use a scant amount of water. We get these fresh from our butcher too. He loves huskerboos- he told us.

When this is good and cooked (& cooled a little) you need to blend it thusly. Whip it up pretty good for several minutes to aerate it.

 Now, woo need to mix the two parts. This will yield a special stinky calf liver Pâté. 

Mix thoroughly.

special stinky calf liver Pâté
 Now, listen up kittehs- get you peeps to put some of this special stinky calf liver Pâté into a zip-lock baggie and refrigerate it. Let me tell you, I have it on high authority this is something kittehs adore. Just a smidge in a nice china bowl late at night with the peeps. Try it! You will love it. I get some too- on biscuits, but that's later.
OK, so today's selection at the husquibakery is liver snapps. Start with 1/2 of your original special stinky calf liver Pâté mixture. Add one egg, ~2 cups flower & 3/4 cup cornmeal. The cornmeal adds a special crunchiness to the final product. Add water to form a nice dough ball and roll into a pan. Cook at 400 degrees until golden brown. Remember, woo can score the dough about 1/3 of the way in for easier separation.
Spread thinly.
This next part is very important. For all cookies with meat in them we dehydrate the finished product on high for another six hours or so. 

mmmm, dehydrating liver snapps!
 Remember when I said we didn't have a fancy biscuit cutter? Well guess what grandma gave us for Christmas!
Fresh liver snapps
 So, back to the special stinky calf liver Pâté. I get some on my biscuits as I'm trying to maintain my weight. Check it out!

All that's left is to test them!

Isis enjoying a liver snapp outside.

What a good pup.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stole it from the snowman!

And I won't give it back.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Thank woo PAWZ!

Wooooo woooo! Happy Christmas eve mates! We got a special package in the post yesterday from our dear PAWZ furiends! We love woos pawz, thank woo soooo much! Look at all the loot we got:

There are nomms in this bag RARA!
Nanük had to show his new squeaky ball to Gus.

Hey Gus! Check out the new ball! What are wooos doing for Christmas?
Gus and his pawrents are leaving for Denver tonight, the roads are pretty good here but he will need to keep a good eye on them...
Here is Isis with her new squeaky snake. We usually have a minimum three months inside rule for new toys, but the house is a mess so we came outside for our photoshoot. Pops deposited them in our toy box a little later.

Isn't this the coolest thing ever? Look how they laminated a picture for us and stuck it on the box.

Well just one more day to go furiends, wishing you all a merry Christmas!

RA, Isis & Nanük

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Some Cards from our furiends

Harroooo mates! We wanted to share some of our Christmas. Peace be with woo all,

From our dear PAWZ furiends.

Um, that's not a happy kitty Chuy BOL BOL!!

This is Lefty. She's a pretty cool cat!

Koala mail! From our furiends down under.

This is from Nook the malamute. I'm doing my McKayla Maroney face.
Lenya baybee! We love woooos.
RA, Isis & Nanük

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Science Diet Fruity Snacks Reviewed & a Happy Birthday to Siku!

 Harrroooo mates! RA here with a review of Science Diet Fruity Snacks. But first, I want to thank everyone for the great comments on our last woooless Wednesday. It's true, one of this huskerboo's favorite things is to snooze in a snowstorm. It hasn't snowed much here the last couple years so I gotta seize every opportunity I can BOL!!

So, last week pops got an unexpected package in the mail. It was addressed to yours truly!

It' seems the folks at Hills have heard of us! As well as our high standards & special expertise when it comes to nomms. They sent us some Fruity Treats to check out. Little brofur sat right down like he was expecting something...I gave it my McKayla Moroney face:

Before I let little brofur or Isis eat any nomms I check the label....sometimes people try to sell pup treats made out of nasty stuff...nope...only quality ingredients here. Here is a nice closeup, woo can clicky to make big

After Isis and Nanük checked them out I had one. And let me tell woo they are delicious! Even though they have fruits in them and I don't think there's any bacon in them either. They smell very good too. That's one of the first things we noticed. Freshness is very important to pops when purchasing treats from the store.

Isis loves them!
Woo can't tell but NukNuk has one in his mouth already. There is one on the ground too.
Thanks woo very much Science Diet. We will definitely be grabbing another bag of these!

...Stay tuned for a special huskquibakery comming soon. We've several new feline followers so we wanted to do something special for them. Mmmmmm, furry exciting. Play bows,


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

La Première Husquibakery

Howdy mates! Hope everyone's weekend is going well. So, as promised we bring woos the first husquibakery post. But first, just a quick comment of the poem dedicated to the malamutes. We last thing we want our bloggie to be is a conveyor of sadness. That's not why we blog; our joy is bringing woos all our silly antics and we are always honored that so many stop by and very many comment. Our hope and prayer is that all these souls find a home and that each of wooos stop for just a moment, give thanks and resolve that, wherever you are, you will do just the smallest kindness for some animal near woo.
Misaki- your comment made us giggle, could woo have ever been that little?? No way, BOL!!

Now, on to the tasty pumpkin oat treats featured on the AO4s bloggie. First, woo need to quality check the ingredients.
Yep, that pumpkin meets spec...
Now, get a big bowl and put all the ingredients in it.

Can woo smell the cinnamon Nuk?

Once woo mix it all together (we used our hand miser as well) woo need to roll it out. We let pops do that. Also, we don't have any fancy biscuit cutters so we just rolled out the dough on a large baking sheet. Into the oven at 350.

If woo take the cookies out about half-way through and score them they will break apart much easier. I admit I may have gotten a bit impatient...

 Finally, out of the oven they came. Make sure woo let them cool.

Golden brown pumpkin-oat cookies
 Now, the best part! Nanük approves.

Be well furiends, we will be back soon with another edition of the husquibakery. Play bows,

RA, Isis & Nanük
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

A moment of silence.

RA, Isis & Nanük

Thursday, December 13, 2012

In Honor of the Montana Malamutes ~

Dear furiends, pops received this on his facebook wall today and wanted to repost it here. Generally, we don't do a lot of reposting, but this one really touched us. Our last transport was one of these malamutes. Merry Christmas dear furiends ♥

In Honor of the Montana Malamutes ~

Twas the night before Christmas
when all thru the house

Not a creature was stirring
not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes that St. Nick soon would be there.

The children all nestled snug in their beds
With no thought of the dog filling their head.

And mom in her kerchief and I in my cap
Knew the dog was cold, but didn’t care about that.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash
Figuring the dog was free of his chain and into the trash.

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of mid-day to objects below.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But Santa Clause with his eyes full of tears.

He unchained the dog once so lively and quick
Last year’s Christmas present now painfully sick.

More rapid than eagles he called the dog’s name
and the dog ran to him despite all his pain.

Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer and Vixen
On Comet on Cupid on Donner and Blitzen.

To the top of the porch to the top of the wall
Let’s find this dog a home where he will be loved by all.

I knew in an instant there would be no gifts this year
For Santa had made one thing quite clear.

The gift of a dog is not just for the season
We had gotten the dog for all the wrong reasons.

In our haste to think of the kids a gift
There was one important thing we missed

A dog should be family, and cared for the same
You don’t give a gift, then put it on a chain.

And I heard him explain as he rode out of site,
“You weren’t given a gift, you were given a life.”

RA, Isis & Nanük

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Parade

Harrooo furiends!! How is everyone this fine day? It's getting cooler here on the high Wyoming desert. Not much snow yet though. We sure did enjoy all your comments on our last post. We wish we could share our snow with all our mates who have never seen it. What fun we would all have doing zoomies and rough housing and getting all covered in the cool floofy stuff!

Well, I was a little put-out when Isis and NukNuk took off Saturday morning without me...those two keep telling secrets, whispering to each other...pops told me to pay them no attention - that we would be doing something special together later. After diner pops was shuffling around- doing his usual after din-din cleanup when he whispered something to ME. Well, I nonchalantly found my way to the front door and soon the two of us were on the way to the Christmas parade!

A little window shopping until the activities start.
I met the cutest little red siber. She was such a goof. Her mama was wearing a huskerboo hat that looked just like me. Pretty cool hu? We danced around a little before her peeps went the other direction. She had a very nice Christmas necklace on...pops forgot my light up necklace...have I ever showed woos that? I don't think so....I'll post a picture of me wearing that soon.

Finally the parade started...these people were tossing candy. I didn't get any:(

Then these cool guys came by. I think maybe that's my donkey friend!

Harrooo donkeys! That's a pretty cool Santa hat.

What a good time. After we went for tacos and horchata! Do woo have Christmas parades where woo live?


p.s. we are going to start doing regular husquibakery posts here. We will be baking dogger treats that we've devised and are really excited about trying recipes you all may have. Our first post, coming soon will be The AO4's Pumpkin Oat Cookies (sounds fabulous!). Thanks for the suggestion Dave:)
Play bows,


Monday, December 10, 2012

Don't Tell RA...sshhhh...

Harrrooo mates! NunNuk here, thanks for all the fabulous comments on our Christmas secrets post last week! Woo see, sisfur and I were chatting about this weekend's shopping trip. We had big plans for this Saturday. First, after rousing pops at an appropriately early hour we all headed out for a morning walkie. We needed to get RA good and worn out so we could sneak out of the house later...

A dusting of snow put us all in the mood!
After RA had some breakfast he found a nice spot on the we headed out...

"We need to get him a new squeaky and maybe a nice bully stick..."
Isis does not appreciate going into the store; she stayed and guarded the car...Pops and I did some strolling about. Did I mention that I've been working on my 'out-in-public' manners?

BOL! Maybe a new scooper??
Look pops! These are special for huskerboos! Should we get one of these??


Well we did get big brofur a nice new stuffy but no bully stick...pops has been a bit paranoid about store-bought treats of any kind...he's been making all our treats. We call it the husquibakery BOL!! Take care furiends,

Nanük & Isis

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas at Speedy the cheeky house bunny's bloggie

Harrooo all! I'd like to introduce my good furiends over at speedy the bunny's blog. They are having a super cool Christmas countdown and I'm today's feature. Come check me out at my furiend's bloggie:


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tell me a secret!

Shhhh! Christmas is coming.