Cash the Huskerboo is looking for a home! Could this be you??
Good day all! NukNuk checking in; have woo all visited my kitteh furiend Savvy lately? If not
woo should stop by and say hello! Savvy has introduced us to a very beautiful huskerboo looking for a home. We've a message from Cash today; so take a look at him and think of any furiends woo may know who could open their doors to this soul. We will post updates on Cash as we get them. Play bows all,
"Hi, my name is Cash, you know, after that famous singer Johnnie Cash...when my fur coat comes back I will also be dressed in black, but I will also be dressed with enough white to show off my dark black coat. Oh, and did you notice? I have freckles on my nose! My Vet Doc thinks I am a Siberian Husky, but I don’t have any papers. I was found attached by a short rusted chain to a post, in the North Caroli-na heat and cold with no shelter or shade. The neighbors told my res-cuer I often had no food or water either. But, I have heart! I am only about a year old, and even though my coat became so matted, sunburned and flea infested I had to be shaved...I still have a great heart and just adore all humans and other dogs as well. I have been neutered, tested for heart worm (negative) and now treated for heart worm and fleas...all up to date on my vaccinations and ready to go...except I have no where to go. My rescuer is from Los Angeles and he will be flying me back there in a week or so. But here’s the problem...I can’t stay with him because he has 3 other rescue dogs he must find homes for. So I am hoping one of you out there might let me come hang out with you for a month or so. My rescuer said he will take care of any vet care and food etc. if you can provide me a safe, loving foster home with a fully fenced yard that I cannot escape from. We huskies are known as the “ultimate canine escape artists”. Of course, if any of you want to give me my permanent home, that would be even better. My rescuer has help with reviewing adoption applications to make sure my permanent home, like a short term foster, will be safe, loving and with a fully fenced yard. If you would like to know more about me or meet me, please contact my rescuer by email: I really appreciate any help you can give me. If you personally cannot foster or adopt me, would you mind copying this flyer and posting it at vet offices, nice no kill dog rescues or anywhere else you think of. If you would share my search for my foster home OR EVEN BETTER...for my permanent home on Face Book, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest...anywhere you are willing, I will send you my softest ‘woos’ of gratitude. We Sibes don’t often bark, we speak in ‘woo’s and arwwwooo’s”. Play bows, Cash
Here is a link to Cash's flier! <<(Clicky)
Hawwooo! |
I was furry dirty, but now I'm clean! |