Monday, July 14, 2014

Weekend's Transport Wrap-up

Haawoooo mates! Two transport updates this morning. First Titan and Maybelle were going west:


 These are Harry and Vinnie- two Jindo dogs heading east. Here is pops at the handoff:

Finally folks I'd like to share a pup that could really catch a break...we don't do this too often so hopefully you all won't mind... this pup has been into and out of homes...if you or yours know of someone that could welcome this shepherd/huskerboo mix please contact us at the email associated with this blog or just leave a comment and we will get back to you with contact information. Transport can be arranged nation wide...

Can I come home with woo?
Love an husky wooooos mates,


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A working pups job

Hawwwooo mates! NukNuk here with a summer construction update. Woo see, once the students clear out there is room for us workers to take care of much needed business. This weekend was no exception; pops and I were out early to make sure all the heavy equipment checked out:

Yep, looks good here.
Then we headed over to the the new gymnasium, pops is very excited about the new climbing wall- you can kind of see it in this picture behind the center two supports.

That's right, install the climbing wall FIRST, then structural steel.
Later, whilst I napped, RA and pops went and played on the grass so RA could run around with out his booties.

Love an woooos my furiends, enjoy your week!
