Monday, September 25, 2017

Misty Monday Walkies

Good morning mates!
TimberLove & NukNuk

Monday, September 18, 2017

Snooters Out!

Happy Monday mates!

Play bows,


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cherry Tomatoe Machine!!

Oh! Hawwooo mates, how is effuryone today? I was, have woo seen our cherry 'matoe machine?? It makes tasty 'matoe treats!

Sure is a nice harvest coming in hu?? Sometimes if I ask nicely pops let's me have one.

My those smell tasty. I bet they are really juicy!

Yes please!

If woo would like to watch a short video of TimberLove and me eating 'matoes please come to our YouTube page

Play bows,