Monday, September 17, 2018

Magnificent Monday

Sometimes I do allow my picture to be taken BOL!


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

No Flowers Here

I too went to campus with pops this weekend, No flowers for me though. Just dinosaurs. And I didn't look at the camera either BOL!! #uwgeologymuseum #wyominggeology

 Play bows,


Monday, September 10, 2018

Sunday On Campus

Good morning mates! Happy Monday hawwoooo! This weekend pops and I cruised to campus to watch the students and see the flower beds before the Laramie fall arrives. I suspected pops had nefarious plans however, pictures of me with said flowers - to be posted on the internets for 'likes'. Ppffftttt, he must think I'm some kind of amateur. Care to come along?

This is going to be fun!
 'Timber! Hey babe, look at me TimberLove!'

Oh! a lady bug
 'Timber~sit up and look at me deary.'

I call this the derp-sit.
'Hey derp-derp look at me!'

Do you think those people want to pet me?

Hawwoooo! You get the idea! See woooos soon!
