Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wooless Wednesday

Play bows,


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Are wooo ready??

I am Queen of your Heart TimberLove of House Elkhound! First of her name, Queen of hoomans, Protector of the seven chimkins, the Mother of wooo-wooos, the Khaleesi of the great grey shoobs, Catcher of balls, the Breaker of sticks! Will you bend the knee?

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

More Impersonations

Hawwooo mates!! Hope effuryone is bright-eyes and bushy-tailed this morning. I've mentioned that movies night are enjoyed here. And we really love impersonations too! Here is my sisfur Isis doing her Paulie Walnuts impersonation and here is Timber doing her Tony Montana tribute.

Well, today I give wooos my impersonation of classic western villain Jack Elam:

Hawwwoooo! Play bows,
