Thursday, October 26, 2023

More neighborhood friendos!

Not sure about this guy, I give him a good bork! as we passed. Happy All Souls Day mates,


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Chopped Liver

Hello, what's that?...chopped liver? Yes please! In a crystal ice cream dish please.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Brittanywoo transport

Pops gave this fellow a ride last weekend, on his way to a breed rescue!





Monday, April 10, 2023

After dinner chew

Hawwooo friends, happy Monday! We had a nice weekend, #1 made a nice ham for dinner last night. One or two morsels may have found their way onto the floor lol! 

(Dear Ollie, I love ALL KINDS of treatos, but yes, little soft ones, ham bits are especially enjoyed, do woo like ham Ollie??)

So there I was watching the ham get put in the icebox...

Do woo think I could work on my chew for a while?

Give it up!


Play bows,


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Neighborhood kit-cat friend!

Hawwooo friends! This morning i was out snootering around and I felt some eyes on me BOL!!


Monday, March 20, 2023

On the back nine

 Still no treatos BOL BOL BOL!!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Instructions from Nookers

Big brofur: Woo must continue my blog.

Also big brofur: Never ever look at the camera unless treatos are involved.

Walk number 37,882: Human forgot treatos, training will continue,


Friday, March 10, 2023

The Three Amigos

So many miles.

I've gone to go find RA and Isis. Do not mourn me. Do not share this post. Say a prayer for the end of war and peace in the world. Love to you all,
