(shut your ears here Shawnee)
of veges; in fact I just finished nomming on a nice cucumber with lettuce and shredded carrot. I got a half a cucumber to myself- and you should have seen RA & Isis' faces BOL!! I don't think that's bad. RA eats raw salmon- BLECH! you can keep your nasty salmon precious...
(OK Shawnee woo can listen again)
Anyhow....when RA told me today's post was mine I got a little nervous. "But...What am I posta write about big brofur?"
"It's time to find your voice padawan. Just tell the gentle readers about something woo enjoy. We've had lots of puppy lessons since woo showed up- pick one of your favorites."
So here goes; Archeology class is one of my favorites; the classroom time is killer but lab is fun! Luckily pops seems to be sport. RA says we are actually giving him something to do- it makes him feel useful to back fill our digs.
Here I am at one of my first lessons-
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OK nuknuk, first, woo must give the dirt a good snootering. |
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Lean into it for best dirt launching. |
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Nice form big brofur! |
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That's right padewan, pretty deep hu??!! Now it's your turn-where's the sherpa? We need some fresh water out here! |
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That's good little one. Make sure you flip that dirt! |
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Very good indeed Nukie! |
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Eying the neighbor cat with bad intent... |
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Smile for the obligatory puparazzi picture little one! |
I'm all fur eyeing the neighbour khat with bad intent!
Thank you so furry much fur the ears up to shut my ears so I did not get naushuss or nuttin. But I did open my ears rite afore you told me to and heared the pawt about the salmon. I has nefur had raw but I think I mite like that. *drool*
Nice archeology class! That Nanuk do be a furry attentive student and a fast lurner. How far back can you kick the dirts? I used to make sure I back kicked all ofur the patio so mom could sweep it back in my hole with the broom then I could back kick it all out again. You think it woz easy getting her into hiking shape?
Great work, young Jedi, but then LOTS of credit must go to your most excellent mentors, RA and Isis. You are a fast study.
The last photo is awesome! Love it!
NukNuk, your first blog post rocked! I think you are a budding blogger! :->
RA, you are an excellent Archaeology instructor, as evidenced by NukNuk's awesome hole. Great jobs, pups!
"Sherpa" - too funny!
Great lessons!! Did you find anything?? :)
Wonderful!! If you ever have an opening in your Archaeology Class I would LOVE to take it. Esp. if you have Sherpas.
Mee was paying attention in class today. Now....off to me sandbox to practice what me learned!
That is so cool. We aren't allowed to practice any kind of archeology lessons here - though I do try in the bed on occasion!
Great post, Nuknuk!!
Play bows,
Oh Nanuk, you are so smart to learn so quickly! Remember to wax on, wax off, or in this case, dirt out, dirt farther out! Keep up the good work my little furiend.
Licks & Wags from your Tripawd buddy.
Archy-ology is very important. I'm glad to see that you're learnng well Nanuk...but don't get no crazy thoughts abut starting a garden, that might be toooo much! :)
I want to dig a hole like that too.
Can I come over for a visit?
Hiya Nanuk - great to see you, you look like you're enjoying your lessons from the master :-) Dex and Lou xxx
Wonderful post, Nanuk!!
And oh how I would so love to hug you and all your precious S.Husky pals there!! Plus be a classmate, too !!! Archaeology rocks!!! (Pardon the pun!)
The neighbor cat is probably in total awe of you . . . but would never tell you that!!
Bless you all!! You all must make your "pops" so very happy and proud!!
The "sherpa" . . . . too funny!!!
P.S. How do you keep those precious snooters and paws so clean??!!
Love, love, LOVE your technique!! A+!
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Looks like you are quite the excellent student! Keep up the good work! You have excellent teachers!
Holly & Khady
Nice work Nanuk. I am sure your big brother Ra has lots of lessons for you. Happy schooling!
WONDERFUL pictures !!!
Hey NukNuk did you see that the salad bar had calabacitas AND peapods stuffed with feta? And Pumpkin pie for dessert? I LOVE that place! Let's do it again soon...Veggies aren't just for Yorkie girls anymore! Your friend, YoYoMa
Wow, that digging looks fun! wonder if we could get Meowm to let us out to do some of that!? Hope the sherpa broughtyou water before you got to thirsty!
BOL thats one of the best lessons ive seen. High Paws to you both. I would like to come and join you, tripawd Bruno may find it a little difficult but im sure he would find a way :)
what great smiles, it looks like they were trying to dig to ....China?
I love woo big brofur, thanks for teaching me all the important stuff. I'm taking real good care of #1, just like woo told me. Thanks for visiting sometimes, that makes pops happy. Love woo RARA,
Thank you RARA,
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