Harrooo furiends! Spring is peeking out here on the high Wyoming desert; we've all been enjoying the gentle days until the heat kicks in. Hope effuryone's spring (or fall for our furiends down-under haawooo!) is
pheasant mmmm pheasant...sorry...pleasant that is. Today we got a great surprise in the mail; our dear furiends the pawzies sent #1 a book and this beautiful print- check it out!
.... Isis thinks she smells the PAWZ BOL!!
Nukie, are woo pondering what I'm pondering? |
I was so happy! The pawzies are very thoughtful! |
So here is the deal: #1 is
reading us the book so it may take a few days, but when we are done we would like to pass it on to someone who would enjoy reading about the
'madness of running the Iditarod' If you would like to read it please leave us a comment or send us an email at the addy associated with this bloggie. ...And you need to pass it on when you are done with it too...that's the deal OK? If we get more than one furiend interested we will have a random snootering to determine where this book's next stop will be.
Until next time, dreams of Alaska,
WE dream of Alaska alla the time. My Vickie has been planing a trip there for the past 15 years and one of these days, she is gonna make it....We hope you like the book, we don't need to be on the list cause we already got it. You'll love it.
That looks like a great book. My MOM's only thng on here "bucket list" is to make it to Alaska. Her dream be flown in to a remote area with a pond or lake and streams dropped off then picked back up 10 days or so later. Since Bert already has the book we will pop over to his house to give it a read.
Wooo thats such a cool idea furpals. Hu'parents were due to be in Alaska right now on an expedition, but had to pull out of trip. Hu'mum would love to on the list and we would love her to read it to us. But we is a bit far away from yous. Warming up here now, 27C snow melting very fast :(
Alaska... You would Love that place... with all the snow and stuffs.
ME.. not so much.
Oh wow! We would read it and pass it on if you like.
We do eat no grain food. Masters and Taysia Blue are both VERY crazy about that. If you have any other tummy soothing ideas, let us know.
A travel guide just for you.
Did you know that we want to move to Alaska?:) But the humans said it's too far from family. Hmmmmph. We can't wait to hear about the book.:0
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Sounds like a great book!
It looks like a good story....
Howdy Ra Husky, your new book sounds great. We will check our local library for it. We won't enter your comp for the book cause postage is terribly expensive for books. Our weather has been pretty good for Autumn. Still getting nice days to snooze in the sun. Enjoy your weekend mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
What great nite nite stories woo will enjoy. What fun to dream of being a real sleddie dog.
We love your idea to share the wonderful gift that was shared with you...and passing it on and on!
GruffHello there !! This is our first visit here, sorry we were not in when you dropped by to see me earlier!! I have to say what mighty, strong, fine specimens of Husky I see here afore me! Its the eyes that get me every time, deep, cool and blue, makes me wanna jump right in there! -love your pictures here, (Our cousin has a Husky called Bud, he's getting older now - he's lightly coloured, can't recall seeing one as dark as Nanuk I am quite dark coloured for a Border Terrier, so we have something in common - beautiful!)....Great work with the pterodactyl, I am all on with the British sparrows, alas, sadly, it appears that Daphne the family cat has a lot more success than I! Gonna have a paw plodding explore and a sniff about your particulars at your great home here now if you don't mind! - Take care, Barnie xx
Cool book! Thanks for stopping by Betty the Bichon!
I'd love to read it, but I have so little time to read I'd hate to make someone do without. But at some point I wanna read that.
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