Harrooo mates! Thanks for the comments on the animated GIF I posted last week! #1 used to have more time to create such things. Various free programs exist to make these. Unfreeze is a really cool little program you may want to check out. Play bows,
Oh my. I missed the first one and I'm so glad I got to see this. Love it!
This is pretty doggone cool! How come our momma never makes animations for us? We must go complain...
I didn't see the first one, but I am glad I got to see this one. Very cool.
Wow...We'll have to go over and check that out!
Is that big monster protecting you or about to attack?
That is REALLY cool!! :)
Now that is cool, I want to do that!
Best wishes Molly
Wow, we are impressed. We are going to have to see if Mom can do that too. Thanks for sharing.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
That is soooo cool!
Yikes, that flying thing looks hungry.
Thanks for sharing. We agree with Sam, that flying does look hungry. Might need to encourage M to try something new like that.
Ernie and the rest of the pack
Very cool! Your #1 is very creative. I will have my human check out the link so she can make me one. Thanks!
Oh my gosh! This is beautiful!
Woo make the bestest pictures! Cuz woo haz the coolest RARA ever! Thanks fur da link!!
Your animated GIF looks pretty neat. Love your dogs, they are cool. I stopped by to say thank you for bowing your head, crossing your paws and giving softly husky woooos on the passing of my cat Casper. It was so much appreciated. Thank you again.
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