Friday, July 27, 2012

Prezzies in the post.

Harrooo dearies! Happy Friday! Any big plans this weekend? It's going to be another scorcher here; perhaps we will get to go play in the water again! A couple of you commented wondering how we dry off after our aquatic adventures. Well, let me tell begins with the really super absorbent car seats and ends with rolling on #1's bed...hawoooo!

So yesterday the post man brought us a surprise! Check it out-

What's this Isis?
We knew right away it was from our dear Pawz furiends!We got some special snackies; in addition a donation was made in our name to Canine Companions for Independence!

Thank woo soooo much Fenway, your kindness is overwhelming.

I'll just take these, thanks pops!

Thank you so much Pawsies! Hope everyone has a peaceful weekend!

RA, Isis & Nanük


Lynn PAWZ said...

Love you huskerboos ~ so much it seems that we have met in person. Da PAWZ Pack and huskerboos are long distance soulmates. Deezy & Isis, Fenway & RA and Tucker & Nuk Nuk...??? Hmmm maybe not soulmates but furever and ever furiends. Weze so happy woo like your prezzies. If you would like to follow Fenway's new furiends blog you can go to

Big Loving (& healing) Aroooooos to woo huskerboos <3
Fenway, Diesel, Tucker & Roxi PAWZ...

Lynn PAWZ said...
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Lynn PAWZ said...

We just wubs da pencil art!!

GOOSE said...

Hey I have the same drying method. It works great doesn't it?

Backcountry Brodie said...

Nice noms you got there. Yup, we has those supah absorbing car seats too and mom even puts a huge water sucking towel on it so that by the time we get home, I is pritty much dry. If'n I need to get hosed when we get home, she puts super sucky towels in my hidey spot. If I try to roll-dry on mom's bed she screams rilly loud. Sigh.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi, after I go swimming, I gets dried off by two beautiful women. My mom and my swim coach, Bre.

Teddy Bear said...

What a fun surprise.:)

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Unknown said...

Enjoy. Have a happy Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Very nice present for you! HOpe you all enjoyed those treats.

Still unbelievably hot here too. At least another week, so they say. We are hoping for that fun walk tonight.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

ForPetsSake said...

Awesome gift! We will have to connect to this OTHER Fenway...our own Fenway is looking rather curious!