Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Teaching your pawrents to save money.

$90.00 orthopedic bed from Drs. Foster & Smith. Destroyed in pretty much a day.

$6.00 foam from Walmart & a couple freecycled blankets. Unmolested for almost a year.

RA & NanĂ¼k


Jane and Chris said...

Toys from Petsmart.....expensive.
Cardboard boxes.....priceless.
Jane x

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

BOL....that's just about how it is with everything these days. Save your money and use your imaginations!

rottrover said...

Young dog. Mature dog. Priceless!

GOOSE said...

You are frugal and wise.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Ha, ha, ha - your peeps bought you a big chew toy.

Bassetmomma said...

I guess it's just no fun to chew up the cheap stuff! LOL!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Yep, yep, yep. We had to teach our mum and dad that lesson too ahahahaha. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Khumbu said...

Woo great job guys, lesson learnt ;)

Your friend, Lou Ann/PA said...

Nanuk . . . . might the big monster who blew up the futon the other week have a part in this, too??? Smile. You precious pup!!!
And Ra, oh God bless you, too, my handsome friend!!! Ra, you are looking so very very good honey!!!!
X-tra big kisses on all those Husky noses!!!
RaRa, you might need to have a little gentlemanly talk with Nanuk about finances and such, smile.
P.S. That is a lovely blue afghan, too!!

Unknown said...

RA you are too right. Expensive toys no thanks. Cardboard box or empty plastic water bottle , score. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

haopee said...

I totally agree... the best things are for free...or probably costing $6 or so.

Huggies and Cheese,


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Our $18 bed from Costco has also lasted longer than our fancy Drs. Foster and Smith bed did!


Little Miss Titch said...

being thrifty is always best!Speedy and Mum

Just Mags said...

Amazing isn't it? My neighbor gave Chancy a nice bed..he tried to tear it up so I gave it to the cats...his favorite place to sleep is a cardboard box with old blankets in it. Hugs

The Websters said...

Yeah...I only get trash to play with...empty plastic containers and such.

Humans are cheap.


chuy said...

We love the cheap toys better than that expensive stuff. Way to go Nuknuk & RaRa, teaching Pops a lesson in frugality!

Licks & Wags,
Chuy the Tripawd

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

So true. Daddy buys me toys and the 'birds' kill them. But give me a sock or a cardboard box and I'm happy for ages :-)

The Furry Kids said...

I'm with you - those Foster & Smith beds are just so delicious! But the Costco ones? Blech.

Your pal,

Suka said...

BOL! Pawsome lesson! And great photos! My human needs to get me an orthopedic bed, so thanks for the heads up on Drs. Foster & Smith. I need something yummy to destroy so I will make sure she orders one for me right away.


Anonymous said...

Mom and Dad are both still laughing. You gave them some fun during this awful moving process. Thanks lots, Savannah

White Dog Blog said...

Sometimes you just have teach the lesson the hard way. Great job...recycle, reuse, repupose, right?

Kari in Alaska said...

Lesson learned

Stop on by for a visit

sharkgila said...

Haha excellent lesson!

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

FiveSibesMom said...

Good advice! Chloe's favorite "bed"...my freshly laundered blue velour spread and blanket. They are now in her crate and favorite sleeping spot in living room. Guess I need a new bedspread & blanket!
PS - you are both lookin' good!

Oskar said...

Yeah, we've found the same type of thing around here. I'm glad you found something that works!

Nubbin wiggles,

IRIS E DONA said...

Good lesson, RA !

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

My human thinks both you puppies are cute. Hmm. Do you purr? And ya know, my human likes stuff from the boo-teek called Wal-mart too.
