Monday, March 4, 2019

This morning's vet visit

Morning mates! TimberLove here with some cool news: I am taking part in some very important research at the Purdue K9 genetics lab. They are doing research to help Norwegian Elkhounds!
This morning I stopped off at my wonderful veterinarian where they stole a little of my blood. I was very brrrrave whilst they took a sample. Pops was right there and after we mailed it we went for cookies and juice!

 Just a little pin prick
There'll be no more 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHH'!

I also got a new antler when we got home. Have a good week!



Julie said...

WOW!!! That a WHOLE PAWFULL of blood you gave there...did you faint????
I am glad to hear you were recompensed, that antler does look pawsome!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are very good AND very brave to share your blood like that. We that antler is a good reward for you too!!! We love antler chews.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

24 Paws of Love said...

How exciting to be helping your fellow Norwegian Elkhounds out! And to part of something bigger. How cool!

Sounds like juice and cookies was just the answer for being so brave. And that antler looks pretty tasty too!

Good Luck!

p.s. Do you get to know the results of the test?? Just curious. :)

da tabbies o trout towne said... kewl iz thiz !!! 984 paws UP two ewe for bee in sew brave N for wantin ta help in de studee....we think thiz iz awesum ♥♥♥

The Army of Four said...

You're awesome, Timber!
Cam and Mags

catladymac said...

Good for you, Timber ! I have "owned" (HA!) several Elkhounds and am glad there is some research on this wonderful breed and that you are helping ! Please let us know ho the research is going.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

Oh Timber darling, did that pin prick make you flinch just a bit? I hope not. PUrrs to you for helping other NEHs.

The Whiskeratti said...

It was very kind of you to donate some bloods for this. You totally deserve cookies. And the antler.

Huskies622 said...

That is so cool Timber, you are a VERY good dog to share your blood. And the antler looks great, hope you got TONS of cookies too. A pup's gotta keep their strength up!


TimberLove said...

Good dog Timber, rest well. I will find you again.