Thursday, August 25, 2011

Where are woo Schmoopy?

We hate it when bloggies we like just well our little eskie furiend Schmoopy!

RA, Isis & nuknuk


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is sad, we have had that happen to us too. We hope you hear something from Schmoopy - we didn't know him/her.

You two sure look great in snow:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Boy Howdy can I ever relate to this post!! I have been missin THREE of my furends.. somehthing fierce. I did just hear a few words from TWO of them this week, butt....
Sorry you have a missing furend too. whimper whine whimper.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We be missin' some of our furends too. We hopes dey are jus on an extended va-k-shun!

White Dog Blog said...

Schmoopy and Sassy have pages on Facebook and their mom, Cathy Hammer still posts the most wonderful photos of them! We were surprised recently when their blogger address was closed, too. If you can go friend them in the new social network media...they are wonderful pups!

TimberLove said...

Thank you Siku!!!!!!

RA, Isis & nuknuk

kira said...

very beautiful photos!!friend´s!

FiveSibesMom said...

That is sad when we don't know why they leave Blogville. Glad to see you can reconnect via FB, though! Love the snowy pic! Brings smiles to the FiveSibes' faces! Hope you had a very Happy Nat'l Dog Day!

the_Dogfather said...

We hope you'll find schmoopy soon! Good luck!

TimberLove said...

I love you dude,


Schmoopy said...

I just saw your comment. I'm so sorry. The app used to use to post to blogger ceased support to post so instead I have been using Facebook. Cathy Hammer