Hello Furiends,
Isis here, long time no woo:) Things are pretty quiet for me these days- Mostly I just spend my days on the couch watching reruns. Or snoozing on the bed when pops leaves the 'lectric blanket on for me. I've been on a diet and have lost 8 pounds! That helps with the walking you know. #1 says my goal is 10lbs. Adequan is back on the market- did woo know it was unavailable for a while? So I got my fix- that helps with the walking too, we were pretty worried there for a while...I don't do too much walking though, these days. The Adequan used to really make me feel better but now it just makes me able to get up and go outside. That's OK though, it used to upset me when pops took off with NukNuk, but I've decided its acceptable.
So this is my 14th winter. I consider myself very blessed. A couple of days ago it snowed in Wyoming- and once again it came time for our first ritual to help us welcome the cold and cleansing power of the first snow. You see, one of my passions is catching snow balls! And for the longest time this was something pops and I did together because
RARA can't catch RARA is too dignified to catch.
I wasn't too keen on sharing this with NukNuk last year so pops and I snuck out one evening and went and caught snow balls in the park by ourselves (and went for tacos after!) This year was different though. I knew it had snowed, NukNuk and RARA went out early and came back in and reported- but I had yet to go out- still snoozing with pops. That's when I had an idea- you see NukNuk and I have come a long way this last year- I've decided that he's pretty OK- so I suggested to pops that we all share this first winter ritual together this year.
You will notice these pics are at pretty close range. I don't see too well these days so pops tosses the snow ball from just a couple feet for me to catch. How I love to catch snow balls!
There it is Nuk! The first snowball of the winter! |
Chomp it Isis! Woo are the best! |
OK Nuk, now it's your turn to catch. Happy winter little brofur! |
NukNuk figured it out, what do you think? Good form! |
Happy winter furiends. Love and peace and wooooos,