Harrooo, woooowooo! I am teaching nuknuk how to behave on walkies. He is a zig-zagger & Isis is always stopping to smell the flowers; that coupled with my editor's lack of a prehensile tail makes getting good pictures hard, but we got a couple.
Marching in formation. |
Pay attention little one. |
Hope you all go on nice walkies today!
Whoa, three on a walk AND you use long leads - Mom says she likes the short ones for better control - you all are very good. We are hoping for a walk tonight as it has cooled down a bit, still pretty humid, but better than before. Don't think we will be doing a threesome, though.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
The new kid seems to be catching on pretty quickly, but then again Nuknuk has the advantage of the best mentors ever. Looks like you all had a lovely walk.
My sis Dixie duss the zig zag and makes us all dizzy. She would nefur pass a sobriety test so just be sure no pawlice is around when Nuknuk zig zags by or he mite get a WWI (walkies while intoxicated)
Looks like the three of you are all having so much fun.:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Starbuck, Nari and Alpha's mom here - You guys walk like pros! Can I borrow RA? He needs to teach the girls that walks do not mean running around me in circles in an attempt to trip me :)
- Steffi
You're a lot braver than me....I can hardly handle one on a walk.
Our publicist walks us separately. We're too strong!!
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
Three musketeers!!!
You all look great on the walk! I can't handle walking one dog very well! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
We three are zigger zaggers
You're brave to walk 3 at a time. I have a hard time just walking 2.
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