Wednesday, January 11, 2012

#1's new thing

Harrooo mates! Thanks for all the swell comments wishing my little brofur a happy birthday! He got a nice new Kong toy- along with some nice apples and organic peanut butter with which to stuff it! Nanuk eats stuffies so the nice hard rubber stuffin-kongs are the only thing he can have unattended. Pops freezes them - one can keep nukie busy for a nice long time.

Anyway, yesterday #1 brings this crazy thin into the livingroom- take a look- do woo have any idea what it could be??
What is this thing big brofur?

#1 says he is going to use this thing to write his friends. How's he going to do that big brofur? It doesn't even have a screen...
aarrrooo? I've no idea kid...try nommin it... (hehehe nukie will eat anything you tell him to...)

Doesn't taste too good either... can I just take the laptop outside? I've some very important networking to attend to. Did you know I'm a famous model?

A famous model eh? Well OK, you can take it outside for a while...

***3 hours later***

"Bed time little brofur..." 
"Just two more minutes RA...I got to tell my mate YoYo when I want to meet down at the salad bar."



Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Now that's a blast from the past! Haven't seen (or used) one of those in decades!


Unknown said...

Oh, that is something which I always stuck my fingers in when I was at school! Oops! am I that old?

Scooter said...

Wow, that's definitley like an old fossil! My Dad remembers when those things were new! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Is it Wireless too? BOL!!! Mom says she used to have one of those and never wants to use one again.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

GOOSE said...

MOM is having a great laugh over your new writting machine. I don't get it.

The Army of Four said...

Does it taste like lime? It looks kind of lime=flavored.

Remington said...

That is funny!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Where does it plug into the electrics at? Can you get to the innerwebs on that thing?

Bassetmomma said...

Is that from ancient times? LOL!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I bet there are some good flavors mashed into the keys of that old timer!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh now that's funny. We have one exactly the same here that mum learnt to type on many, many, many, many (well you get the picture) years ago. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

KB said...

You mean that the crazy contraption isn't directly connected to Facebook? Crazy contraption...

Kari in Alaska said...

Old school typewriters are cool!

Stop on by for a visit

White Dog Blog said...

Wow! At first we thought they were making really crazy looking new Kongs! Or one of those smart dog games...hit a key, get a treat!

Nanuk, Yo says just Tweet him when you're headed out. He put a reserve on those crunchy peapods that go so well with the bleu cheese dressing.

All4UrPet said...

Oh my how technology has changed, even for pups I guess! I'm with you on upgrading to the laptop... You guys are smarties knowing what the typewriter was for though! Can't wait to see what other kinds of mischief y'all get into soon!


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FiveSibesMom said...

Hey guys! I have one of those from my early days of studying journalism! OK, so I'm not THAT old, but I do have one of those that I keep to remind myself of how writers used to get things done. Me, personally, I'm loving the modern day technology! Great pics!!!

GRAÇA said...

Eu sou uma gata que teve a sorte de ser adoptada com 2 meses por uma mami que me adora e me pôs o nome de Kika ,adoro ter amigos e tenho os todo no meu pequenino coração e quando tenho o asas de ficar sem algum que virou anjinho fico muito triste
Queres pertencer aos grupo dos meus amiguinhos??
Temos alguns em comum
Fico esperando tua visita
Turrinhas e miaus carinhosos da