Good day gentle readers! How is everybody? If it hot where woo are? Not too bad here on the high Wyoming desert. Today's post is brought to you by
Primal Pet Foods and my good furiend Oz. Do woos know
Oz? If not,
stop by and say harrrooo!
So, Oz was having a contest a couple weeks ago - the prize was a bag of Primal Food. Guess who won??!! Yours truly. I've been having some tum-tum issues recently and we are going to be trying the Primal Freeze-Dried food. #1 has started by mixing a little of the Primal into my kibble. It's quite tasty!
Thank woo OZ!! |
The Liver Munchies are a favorite. |
Sampling |
Brofurs snoozing after dinner. |
Play bows,
You look like you're having a picnic!
The REAL Maple Syrup Mob
Hope that works out for the tummy, noting worst then not being able to eat and congrats on the win!
Yes it is HOT! here, but we livin out by our baby pool!
The Mad Scots
Congratulations on your win.
It's roasting here in the UK.
Those look yummy, but you should try Mama's sardine treats. Wooooowoooooo, Ku
Woooooo, RA! So happy that you got your winnings and are starting to taste the deliciousness that is Primal! I hope yoooooooo will be eating it all the time, just like me!
*high paw*
RA...conga ratz on winnin de way awesum prize frum oz...we canna trooly amke a commint bout de ewe noe what...burd....
but de liver lookz mitee tasteee...say, haz ewe ever tried say....oh sum toona !!!
hope ya get ta feelin WAY better, de blessings oh St Francis two ewe :)
It's warm up here too. High 70's. Pure pumpkin will soothe your tummy when it's upset. Hope that your new food calms your tummy.
Gosh- did you really win all those treats! Thats the mother load for sure.
Congrats On you prise,hope it fixes your tummy problems,xx Speedy
I hope your tummy feels better!
PS: If you need help eating that, just call me. Really.
Oh , RA!! So sorry woo have a touchy tum tum....hope the new noms you won will set you right again,play bows, Savvy
congrats on winning Ra. Hope you're feeling better xx
Awesome win! Primal is one of my fave companies!
Hey! There is a picture of me on your card!
OO I wrote about their liver munchies..those were pretty good. How did you like the chicken formula? ANY GI upset after?
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