Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wooless Wednesday



stellaroselong said...

We loves that ninja move, gussie practices it all the time!
stella rose

Life with Wrigs said...

Wrigs's method: Wriggle to the left, wriggle to the right, ensure that you've attained maximum coverage with dirt and debris, then dash into the house and shake off. Deposit any remaining debris on the furniture. :-)

Susan and Wrigs

Mariodacat said...

Hi - you are very cute for a doggie! Hope you don't chase us kitties!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Here be what mom say when I do that (and I only do it fur mom coz it makes her feel good to be silly) "I see a big jelly belly!" Told you, she be silly. But I gets a belleh rub out of the deal so it do be a win/win.

Murray's Mouth said...


Unknown said...

Stay classy!! ;-)

Jenn said...

I would love to pet your furry white belly!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love you little dance moves!!

Milo and Jet said...

What a cute photo :) Milo & Jet

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Great pose!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, just look at you looking so cute with your tummy soaking up that nice sunshine. Love the way you are peeking over yourself nice shot of your sweet face. Hugs and nose kisses

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Belly rub?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Whoa!! Now THAT'S a BELLY!!! BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

The Army of Four said...

Just think - soon, you'll be kicking back in SNOW!!!
Play bows,

Unknown said...

I want to tickle that cute tummy!!!!!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Squeee! Luvluvluv that tummy...almost missed this sorry I am so late RA

A Husky Life said...

That is so cute! You look like a very happy pup in this picture :-)

Little Miss Titch said...

love this photo,xx Speedy

TimberLove said...

I love you my silly dude, we shall meet again,


TimberLove said...

Love you puppy doggo. Always and forever.