Good morning effuryone! This weekend big brofur was teaching me about some of the local history here in Laramie. Do you see that building in the background there? That's the Wyoming Territorial Prison; lot's of skeeery individuals spent time there.
That's the old haunted prison Timber, we shouldn't get any closer than this... |
ppffftttt! huskerboos, we elkhounds aren't scared, who wants a closer look?? |
Good thing you have each other to stay brave! Looks like it was a beautiful chilly walk!
Kiki and Nala
Timber, you need to listen to your brofur Nanuk. He knows the territory really well. Have fun on your walkies beautiful girl!
Licks & Wags,
Chuy the Tripawd
Don't be so sassy, little girl! Your brother has LOTS of experience and hard won wisdom. Maybe just a LITTLE bit closer...
Careful, Timber...big bros know a lot of stuffs...Just sayin'...
Wow!! So cool!!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
WEll our back yard is called Alcatraz, so we understand just what you are talking about. No ghosts though just sneaky squirrels.
stella rose
Timber maybe you can get that skardy cat brofur to be brave like you
Well you two go ahead....they gots ghost over there we ain't going!
The Mad Scots
We think we will look from afar sweet Timber and if that place is haunted we think maybe you should not go any closer. You two are looking very good on your nice walkie. Hugs and nose kisses
very cool photos!
Let's go check this one out.
This could be the best episode of Ghost Hunters EF-FUR!
Oh wow Timber you have a great brother there to teach you. High paws Nuk.
I think you should investigate :-)
I think you should have a look. Your dad will take care of things.
Wow,,, you have a whole world to walk in!
Oh, yeah! I'm game! Go for it!!!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher
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