Good day mates! Timer here extending a thank you to the anonymous friend that honored RARA, and us, with an amazing gift. Let me explain; yesterday was pop's birthday. The two of us took off together early. It was pretty rainy and windy so we stayed close. Here we just before le déluge. While we were out, pops regaled me with several stories about big brofur RARA. He an RARA always spent his birthday together in the hills- this was the first year since RARA went to the bridge. I never had the honor of meeting him,
Two miles to the car? Better see if you can keep-up daddy-we elkies do not like to get wet! |
When we got home there was a present waiting from an anonymous benefactor:
What's this?? |
When we opened the package we were all pretty stunned. Look at the beautiful picture. Thank you dear friend, you honor us all with this gift.
That night Nuk and I stayed up after pops went to bed and talked about stuff. We found a good spot to hang the picture. And Nuk found something to do with the box too! Check it out-
Is this how woo do it Maggie? |
Play bows,
What a wonderful picture and great tribute to RaRa!
Happy Birthday to Pop too!
{Got Cake??} ♫♫♫♫
What a beautiful gift!!! The picture is spectacular!!
Very,, very kind!
Oh yes, that is spectacular and such a wonderful way to honor Ra. You have one very nice friend there.
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
That gift came right from the heart.
stella rose
Aw wow, that is beautiful :( :)
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
That is a beautiful picture of RARA - and a very wonderful surprise. Happy birthday!
guys...happee bee lated two yur dad...hope hiz day wuz rockin awesum fun; heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♫♪♫♪♫♪
N total lee total lee TOTAL LEE way awesum mega sooper kewl portrait
oh RA ♥♥♥♥♥
WOWZAS! How amazing is it that the timing was perfect for Sir Pops Birfday??? RARA touched the hearts of so many and it is great to see him honored as he should be. After the "event" with Isis, then the arrival of this on Popsies Birfday makes us PAWZers think that sum one was watching over woo all. Much love to woo Timber, your sis Isis, big bruffer Nanuk and of course Pops.
Oh, my goodness! What a sweet, touching gift! That is so totally beautiful!
Know what else is beautiful?!!? YOU IN THAT BOX, NUK!!!! How cool! It's PERFECT!!! I wish I could come box with you; we'd have a blast!
Hug your pops for me, OK?
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher
What a lovely gift! How wonderful to remember the pups that have come before.
And we are super-impressed that you remained so calm with the storm that was coming on your hike! We would have FREAKED!
Kiki and Nala
How lovely xx
Such a kind, caring friend to know just what to do to honor RARA. We still get leaky eyes when we remember him. paw hugs
Wow, that's a wonderful gift and an excellent picture. Whoever sent that to you must have cared for RARA, even maybe from long-distance.
It's so wonderful to remember those you love. I remember my furry sister Nala EVERY DAY. Woofs & huggies to you! Love, Bailey & family <3
What an amazing gift of friendship...and an awesome tribute to RA!
What a wonderful gift! So special and thoughtful! And it so beautiful...a lovely message for Dad from beautiful angel RA,
What an absolutely lovely tribute, and how nice of someone to do that for you
What a special present to remember RARA!
xoxo, Ginger, Matt & Matilda
What a beautiful picture!!!!
What a wonderful tribute to RARA.
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