Thursday, March 29, 2018

Good morning from Laramie!

Good morning mates! It is a chilly day here in Laramie. Snow overnight so our normal cross-the-prairie morning walkie was a bit abbreviated. This morning we were tracking a couple of the legend Wyoming urban jackalopes but they split up on us. We were, fortunately for the jackalopes, tethered. Needless to say there was no 'breakfast-on-the-hoof'. Alas,



Sheltie Times said...

Looks like a good day out.

chuy said...

Jackalope is better grilled than raw anyway. No loss there my furriends. Looks like a cool day, Aroos to yous!
Angel Chuy

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It looks seriously cold over your way!!!


da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz.....grate ta see ya again tho sorree ya still iz lookin at de S werd.....snowz ☺☺☺

tell dad ta go out N get sum all reddy reddy.....hoof...few dozen steakz N yur all set !! happee easturr two ewe frum uz ~~~~~~♥♥♥☺☺

White Dog Blog said...

It is nearly sixty degrees here and the only "cool" in under the cottonwood in the yard bellies on the sand. Zso and Bai send jealous woos.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sigh, and we have mud. We wouldn't even mind being tethered if we had snow:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Maria Appleby said...

I heard Jackalope was tough anyway, raw! I hope you enjoyed your walkies! How long will you have snow?

24 Paws of Love said...

While the humans are glad for the snow melting, it looks like more fun to be with you two!!

ThePainterPack said...

So much excitement on a walkie!!! My girls would love it!!!

Linda said...

Wow that would be exciting to see, and fun to chase.
Happy Easter.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

I'm late guys but I'm here!! I don't have enough furs to go walkies with you...brrrrr!

Huskies622 said...

It looks so cold and wonderful there! We want to walk with you!

Kiki and Nala

Jacobi said...

Hurray for a snowy morning! You look like you are built for it (like me, too!). I love snowy mornings! I hope you had fun in your snow!
