Saturday, March 23, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day Big Brofur

I've heard all the stories about woo, and I smells you. Thank you for visiting,



Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...


24 Paws of Love said...

Happy Gotcha Day Big Brofur.
Woos to you. ♥

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood, a most total lee awesum lee happee gotcha day N heerz two a yeer a head filled with steakz and bizcuitz and happeez and healtheez and burgerz :) ♥♥

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Gotcha Days are so very special!


Huskies622 said...

Awww, how lovely to remember such a special day! So sweet.

Rosie and Redford

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Gotcha Day my friend. And thank you for your prayers for me.

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! It is very nice to see you! Thank you for visiting ME and sending woos!

Lynn and Precious said...

Thank you fur stopping by to visit me. Happy Gotcha Day! I am a February gotcha gal so I know how great it is to have hooman family purrmenently!

Sasha said...

Happy Gotcha Day. I hope you have cat friends. I used to have a dog friend when I was a kitten, but now I don't have any.

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Happy very belated Gotcha Day!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Thank you for the visit to me dear furriend. XXXOOO

Admiral Hestorb said...

And Happy Gotcha Day XXX