Harrrooo mates! NunNuk here, thanks for all the fabulous comments on our
Christmas secrets post last week! Woo see, sisfur and I were chatting about this weekend's shopping trip. We had big plans for this Saturday. First, after rousing pops at an appropriately early hour we all headed out for a morning walkie. We needed to get RA good and worn out so we could sneak out of the house later...
A dusting of snow put us all in the mood! |
After RA had some breakfast he found a nice spot on the couch...so we headed out...
"We need to get him a new squeaky and maybe a nice bully stick..." |
Isis does not appreciate going into the store; she stayed and guarded the car...Pops and I did some strolling about. Did I mention that I've been working on my 'out-in-public' manners?
BOL! Maybe a new scooper?? |
Look pops! These are special for huskerboos! Should we get one of these??
Well we did get big brofur a nice new stuffy but no bully stick...pops has been a bit paranoid about store-bought treats of any kind...he's been making all our treats. We call it the
husquibakery BOL!! Take care furiends,
Nanük & Isis
Whoa - you have snow? We are so jealous! Hope you enjoyed your shopping trip, can't wait to see what you got RA. Our parents don't let us eat store bought treats either. Maybe your pops can post some recipes :)
- Starbuck, Nari and Alpha
Woof! Woof! what a secret ... and SNOW!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Snow AND SHOPPING!?! Best weekend ever!
I can't believe you guys have snow. You are so lucky.
WOW, over here we call that, bad outside and coldddddd looking also. We are sure what ever you picked up Ra will be happy with. Gotta go find a warm spot after looking at that pic.
Your Pals
Susie & Bites
NO snow at our house either, and with mom feeling punky no shopping either although i can tell there is a little something in my stocking!
Stella Rose
looks all very Christmasy,that was a great plan you had there too!xxSpeedy
You all loook so good in the snow!
We are not allowed in stores,Mummy Janey says "have you tried herding cats?"..she thinks she's funny.
The Maple Syrup Mob
Wow, it was 80 here the other day! No snows in our future...probably EVER!!
What?!?!? No bully stick. I guess home made treats sound good to.
Shopping dogs...BOL. Nice to meet you!
Looks like you had a great walk and fun shopping!!!!!
You've got SNOW! We've just got cold and frost, but lots of sunshine today. I'm not allowed to go shopping, but that looks a supa store. She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed has just started making my treats, maybe we could share some recipes.
You two are so nice to do that for RA. We would be so happy if Santa would bring us some snow for Christmas. The Momster is also very careful about treats here too. But we do love homemade best.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Looks like you had a fun shopping trip, even if you didn't bring home any bully sticks for RA. We make our own treats and food. No complaints from Wrigs so far! :-)
Susan and Wrigs
I love your beautiful dusting of snow. And I love seeing you two have so much fun!
We love secrets!
Glad you guys are all well.
Your snow looks good! Perfect weather for huskies right? You must be thrilled :D
That is a LOT of snow!
So jealous of your snow, ours has all gone. Though is it super cold so am hoping for more soon!
I bet RA will love his pressie:-)
squeee!!! what did you get RA??? Come on, dish! You can trust me, I promise I won't tell RA. I bet you got him something besides the new stuffy...what does the stuffy look like??? ohhhh...hope it isn't a kitty...rubs anxious paws together...paw pats, Savannah
Snow?!? And are youz pulling sleds?!? Wow...I am jealous!!!! Not that I could pull a sled, but I sure could ride on one! BOL
Glad you got your shopping done. I promise not to tell RA!
Woo! It finally got cold here, but still no snow! You guys have to enjoy it for all of us, OK? It looks so great!
It was awfully nice of you to pick something out for RA! Did he like the stuffy? Does it SQUEAK!??!
Your pop should try some of our Pumpkin Oat cookies (the recipe is in our sidebar). They're super yummy!
Snow, you have snow..I want snow. I have only seen it once here in the UK, you couldn't see me, as I blended in with it..BOL xx000xx
Mollie and Alfie
Snow !!!! Arrrrrrrrooooooo. It looks so pretty. I've never seen snow. I wish it would snow here so I could romp in it.
Wow! NukNuk I live like one block away from the coolest boutique shopping in the entire city. Right by UNM. There are some GREAT outdoor cafes...We could shop, practice our party manners, and get some fantastic chow...you should visit me! YoYoMa
P.S. we love that your dad is being trained in husky culinary skills!
Your so lucky you get to go Christmas shopping, I usually get left at home!!
WooHoo Nukie & Isis! Yoo iz so sneaky and super smart! We bet RA will luv hiz prezzie. Doze wuz some very cool pooper scooper, betchya ya cood pick up lots of "stuff" ;o) It is furry nice of woo to give Isis kissies to help her feel more confident Nukie, woo iz a good boy. We wubs woo! ~ The PAWZ Pack
Enjoy your snow
Stop on by for a visit
Howdy RA ~ in response to your request for treat recipes ~ scroll to page 4 of this newsletter ... num numz num
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